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November 8, 2021

126 – Small Footprint, Big Statement

Neil Gader, editor of the U.S. magazine The Absolute Sound reviewed the Radialstrahler 126 in the current issue.

“Sonically, you enter a whole new world when you light up the MBL 126—or any Radialstrahler, for that matter…At trade shows I’ve watched enthusiasts enter MBL exhibits with a hushed solemnity and walk away glowing, as if they’d undergone a spiritual experience…no one should mistake its whimsical, droid-like appearance for anything other than an audiophile loudspeaker of the most serious sonic intentions and pedigree…in terms of imaging, as cliché as this sounds, 126 flat out disappears from the room, kind of like, well, poof…Though MBL’s 126 is designed for the parlor rather than the palace, it’s as good as anything this esteemed company has ever made. In spite of its humble size, it is truly a statement loudspeaker of the first order. If you consider yourself a thoughtful audiophile and are preparing to take the plunge into this price range, don’t even consider making a move until you’ve auditioned the MBL 126. It is must listening.”

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